The First Water-Cooled GPU powered Data Center in the Region, and 26th in the World

Maahr HPCaaS

Maahr, the 26th globally and the first water-cooled GPU-powered data center in the region, provides a diverse array of services tailored to meet the demands of scientific, academic, and commercial users seeking extensive computational power.

Maahr is the brand name of the HPCaaS Data Center in Sharjah

About company

Al Hathboor FZC (AHB) is a Sharjah-based product development company located at the Sharjah Research, Technology, & Innovation Park. We specialize in technology transfer, aligning with the UAE’s goal of creating homegrown tech products and utilizing the talent from local universities.


Maahr Launch

Sharjah Entrepreneurial Festival 2024 Highlights’s Innovative Engagement

Sharjah Broadcasting Authority visit to Maahr HPC Data Center!

Singularity: Elevating HPC and GPU Workloads at Maahr 🚀

Revolutionizing High-Performance Computing: AHB Launches Sustainable Data Center with Water Cooling Technology!

Maahr Benefits

1.1 PUE –Based on Water Cooled technology for Sustainability

Optimized Network & scalable

Powered by the most advanced GPUs – NVIDIA A100 – each with 80 GB

Secure (Data stay inside country) Data Sovereignty

Delivered from a Tier III ready data center at SRTIP

Maahr – HPCaas – Pay as you use

Massive high-performance storage

1.3pflops and 1680 cores of compute in Maahr

Maahr Benefits

Workload Performance Intelligence

Software Licensing and Financial Controls

Leading Security and Compliance

Operating System and File System

Technical Support and Resource Optimization

R&D Workflows

Compilers and Libraries

Multi-Team and Access Controls

Management and Support Services

Infrastucture and Computing Services

HPC Cluster – CPU, GPU, Memory and Storage Cloud HPC On-Demand

Pay-as-you-go pricing

Bare Metal Servers – Dedicated Resources

Management and Support Services

Cluster Management – LiCO

Software Installation and Licensing

Job Scheduling and Queueing – Slurm Performance Monitoring and Optimization – LiCO Technical Support – In house expert team

Data Transfer and Migration

Data Analytics and Visualization – VDI

Benefits of LiCO

Web-based portal to deploy, monitor, and manage Direct browser access to Jupyter notebook instances Lenovo accelerated AI pre-defined training

Integrated TensorFlow visualization tools Management of private space on shared storage Standard and customizable job templates

Monitoring of job progress and log access

Contact us

Main Office

Wing C, C.01.02

Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park,

University City,


United Arab Emirates

social media