Data Protection and Acceptable Use of products and services Document for Maahr

Data Protection and Privacy Laws

We follow the overarching GDPR laws and the following UAE local laws


Data Protection and Privacy laws:


Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL), UAE Federal Decree, Law No. 45 of 2021 regarding the protection of personal data effective 2nd January 2022


Data and Privacy protection;

The UAE federal law No. 15, 2020 on consumer protection Data Protection Law, DIFC Law No 5 of 2020


Protection of health data and information

UAE Federal Law No. 2, of 2019 concerning the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in health fields.


Protecting Data and Privacy Online

UAE Federal Law No. 34 of 2021, combatting rumours and Cybercrimes


Internet Access Management (IAM) Policy as implemented by the Telecommunications and Digital Government Authority (TDRA) of UAE

Electronic Transaction and Trust Services Law on way documents should be stored and saved and legal value of Digital signatures, e-transactions and e- documents.


As such the data protection laws applicable will be as per the UAE data office, which is the federal data regulator in UAE, affiliated to the UAE cabinet.

Contact us

Main Office

Wing C, C.01.02

Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park,

University City,


United Arab Emirates

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